Friday, March 14, 2008

Post Category Overview

Hi there. This is just a quick overview of my various post categories.

Game Names:

These are just handy categories to help you find each post I've made for one certain game or another. Unlike the other categories that encompass every game, this breaks down all the posts by each specific game.

Game Reviews:

I'll tell you about my experiences with each game, and try to give you a general idea of how good it is, on a scale of one to five. One would be awful, and five would be awesome. These reviews are based on my personal opinions on the game, which you may or may not agree with. I'll give brief descriptions, but I will try to avoid spoilers as much as possible. Unlike other online reviews however, I won't give simple walkthroughs of how the whole game goes. Just overviews.

Game Tips:

If I have some general guidelines on how to play a game, or some nifty tid-bits on how to make a game go easier for you, I'll post it here. Often these will be little things that are easy to miss if you haven't played the game much. Unlike the tricks, game tips won't cause and technical problems for you. Just think of them as excerpts from walkthroughs, if you will. Signs to help lead the way.

Game Tricks:

Sometimes I come across fun tricks, glitches, cheats and other miscellaneous bits to enhance playing a game. I'll post them here for you to enjoy. If it happens to be a glitch exploit, I'll post an appropriate disclaimer along with the trick. Glitches are notorious for causing errors in the game.

PC Profiles:

PCs, or in this case, 'Player Characters', are characters that YOU, the player, create and control within a game. Every Role-Playing Game (RPG) has them. Other types of games may have them as well. And while in many games you get more than one character to control, you usually only can create just one. All the others are NPCs (Non-Player Characters).

Each PC Profile I make is basically a run-down of how to create a player character (or main character) for a specific game. It may be as simple as a few key choices of abilities, to as complex as a fully fleshed out character build. Often, I'll give reasons why I pick one ability over another or raise one attribute over another. It all depends on how complex the game is.

Note: For RPGs, I don't go into great detail about the game mechanics involved with the builds. I assume that you've played the game at least once, and have a general idea about how those things go. It saves me on typing, and it saves the more experienced gamers from skimming through the trough to get to the good stuff.

These profiles can range from practical and theme builds, to my own personal preferences based on how I play the games. You don't have to follow these profiles exactly as I list them if you don't want to. They are posted for inspiration and guidance. Use them as you wish.

General Info:

This post you're reading now, and others that deal with this blog, but not on the various games, get their own unique, and obvious category. It's just an easy way for you and I to find these messages after they've been up on the blog for awhile and lost in the muck. And really, you should always read these first if you're new to this blog.


This is just an easy way for you to read the welcome message to this blog.

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