Friday, March 14, 2008

Game Tip - SW KoTOR - Playing Pazaak

There have been several questions on the Official BioWare KoTOR Forums about how to win Pazaak, so I thought I'd give you some of my tips. Pazaak is a fun little mini-game in KoTOR that you can play to win some extra credits and items. I wouldn't say that I'm an expert Pazaak player, but I've played it quite a bit to get credits to buy expensive items, and have learned a few things along the way.

If you've played Black Jack (also called 21), then you pretty much know the basics of Pazaak. The only real difference is the limit is 20 instead of 21, there is no automatic win (or 'Black Jack'), and Pazaak has negative cards that will allow you to go back to or under 20 if the cards dealt to you go over. I'm not going to go into the details, as you can find them out in the game when you practice with Mission.

Ok, so on to my tips.

First, be sure to buy +/- cards when you find them. These cards have two 'sides' of the same number, positive and negative. This will allow your side deck in the game to be 8 cards worth, instead of just four. Of course, you'll only have four cards, but since each will have a positive and negative side, it's like having two cards for each number. You need at least 10 +/- cards to pick the original set that the computer randomly chooses from for you to play with. If you play on Taris, you won't have that many, but every +/- card you can get will help. Pazaak can be won with regular, postive OR negative cards, but it's more difficult.

Second, be sure to save before you play Pazaak (except with Mission) each and every time you win, and when you start the first time with the opponent. This will allow you to keep your winnings, and reload the game each time you lose, so that you always win consistantly within the game. This means you never lose any credits, and always gain more. This is especially important if you want to get prizes other than credits from the opponents. Some will give you extra items for beating them 10 or more consecutive times. So, save when you start, save when you win, and reload when you lose. That way, you never lose.

Third, the way you play is very important. If you have +/- cards, you can hit more aggressively, and have greater chances of getting natural 20s. You won't have to worry about going over too much, because you'll have the negative sides of the cards to bring you back to the 'safe zone', at or under 20. Also, don't use your side-deck cards too early in the match. Just like Black Jack, if you're dealt a 17, 18, or 19 your first hand or two, leave it there and stand. Let the opponent try and catch up, and you might even force him to use HIS side-deck cards to reach the same number for a draw, or a higher number for a win. Even if you got a 19, stood, and he got a 20 and won, it's still early in the match. Take one for the team and just move on. I've had the opponent beat me two of the three times, and then I came back to win the next three and win the match. A loss or two doesn't mean you're going to lose the whole thing. Most of the time, especially if you have an 18 or 19, the opponent will end up busting, because he tried to catch you.

Last, but certainly not least, patience is a big virtue when you play Pazaak in KoTOR. It's going to take awhile to win the credits you want, and you'll probably have to play 'extra games' that you lose and reload to try again. The computer cheats a lot in Pazaak. It'll get more natural 20s than you can believe possible, and sometimes it'll seem to have just the right cards. That's OK. It won't have that happen every time. You just gotta go with the flow. Your 'good luck' will happen the next time around. Pazaak is 'randomly generated', so even if you lose a match and reload it, it won't be the same cards over again. Every match is different.

The best winnings you can get in Pazaak, not counting anything you may find at Yavin station in the Xbox DLC or PC version, is from the rodian named Kudos who you can play in the Tatooine Hunter's Lounge. He'll start with maximum wagers of 75 credits, and eventually go to 600 credits per match. The best part is that he'll NEVER run out of credits. You can win as much as you want from him. If you're looking to win, win there. That's where I always go.

I hope that helps in your future Pazaak games. Follow these tips, and you'll be a Champion Pazaak Player in no time! Ok, well, it'll take some time. But you'll enjoy reaping the benefits!

Until next time, may the Force be with you.

PC Profile - SW KoTOR - The Terminator

Well, here's another SW KoTOR PC Profile for you to enjoy. It's the Terminator!

This is Arnold's 'Terminator' from the T2 and T3 movies. He's a light-sider, who wears armor, and uses rifles and heavy weapons. You could, of course, go on the dark-side with this one. Your Force Powers would just be a little different. And, unlike with the LS, the DS just doesn't give a reason for the Terminator to be there. He wouldn't want to control the universe. He'd just want to kill whoever he's programmed to kill. But, don't let that stop you from going DS with this build if you so choose.

Ok, I'll jump right into the details this time. Enjoy!


Name: D'Tyere Minatore (The Terminator, duh!)
Beginning Class: Level 8 Soldier
Jedi Class: Level 12 Sentinel

AttributeStartModEndModBonus Description
Strength10+012+1raised via CNS Enhancer belt +2
Dexterity14+220+5raised via 2 lvl-up points, Karakan Gauntlets +1, & Genoharadan Armor +3
Constitution12+114+2raised via 2 level-up points
Intelligence14+214+2not raised
Wisdom14+215+2raised via 1 level-up point
Charisma14+214+2not raised

Final SavesFinal Stats
Fortitude: 21Vitality: 236
Reflex: 20Force: 160
Will: 15Defense: 28


13 Available to Choose Manually
*feats with this mark are free

Light*, Medium* and Heavy Armor* - All 3 Free
Gear Head and Improved - All 2 Chosen
Implant 1 and 2 - All 2 Chosen
Power Attack* and Improved - 1 Free, 1 Chosen
Power Blast*, Improved and Master - 1 Free, 2 Chosen
Rapid Shot, Improved and Master - All 3 Chosen
All Weapon Proficiency Feats* - All 5 Free
Rifle Focus - 1 Chosen
Rifle Specialization* - 1 Free (via Heavy Targeting Optics)
Heavy Weapon Focus* and Specialization* Free (via Heavy Targeting Optics)
Jedi Defense*, Jedi Sense* (3), Force Sense* - All 5 Free
Immunity Fear*, Stun* and Paralysis* - All 3 Free
Toughness and Improved - All 2 Chosen

Force Powers:

13 Available to Choose Manually

Cure/Heal Energy Resistance/Improved ER Affect/Dominate Mind Stun/Disable/Destroy Droid Push/Whirlwind/Wave Force Supression


Choose what fits your playstyle best.

Equipment & Bonuses:

tLvl 2 Retinal Combat Implant - Immunity to Critical Hits & Awareness +1
Heavy Targeting Optics (head) - Rifle & Heavy Weapon Focus & Specialization
Karakan Gauntlets - +1 Dex, +3 All Saves
Genoharadan Mesh Armor - +7 to Defense, +5 Dex mod limit, +3 to Dex, +4 Stealth
CNS Strength Enhancer (belt) - +2 Strength, +2 All Saves

Primary Weapon:

JH's Carbine, fully upgraded, purchased on Tatooine, from the Hanger Bay shop
9-25 Damage, +28 To-Hit Attack Rating

Secondary Weapon:

Darth Bandon's Double-bladed Lightsaber, found on Darth Bandon's Corpse on Manaan
(Your second-to-last Star Map must be Manaan's, in order to get DB's special lightsaber)
Upgraded with Solari and Upari crystals
7-32 Damage, +24 To-Hit Attack Rating on the Main Hand, +18 To-Hit Attack Rating on the Off Hand
(The attack rating is actually higher when used on the Xbox, as the penalty isn't counted due to a glitch.)

You'll want to use your regular blaster rifle on Taris, and then use Canderous Ordo's Heavy Weapon fully upgraded on Dantooine until you can purchase JH's Carbine on Tatooine. Go to Tatooine first, if only to get the Carbine right there in the hanger bay from the two-headed alien.

Some Brief Notes:

When my build's primary weapon is ranged (i.e. a gun or two), I always include a secondary melee weapon. This is primarily to use for tough fights. It's always a lightsaber, either single or double, depending on if the build's using Dueling or Two-Weapon-Fighting feats. Since this build uses rifles and heavy weapons, neither TWF or Dueling needs to be chosen, as neither affect using either type of weapon.

I chose a double-bladed lightsaber as a secondary weapon, because there's a glitch on the Xbox that won't count the two-handed penalty for double-bladed weapons. A single lightsaber would work well, too, but since there's no bonuses from the Dueling feat, I didn't bother.

Because the secondary weapon is optional, if you choose not to use one, then you can replace the Improved Power Attack feat with your own choice. Also, feel free to replace the Gear Head feats if you're not going to try and repair HK-47. That's why I picked them. I'd suggest going with the Conditioning feats instead if you're going with replacements. I also manually chose the Rifle focus feat, as this will be beneficial to you before you get the Heavy Targeting Optics. It is free with the HTO though, so if you want to get a different feat, that's up to you.

Force Supression was my last, level 20 Force power. I regret picking it, as it's restricted by armor. However, if you get the Star Forge robe and wear it, you can then use the power both on Malak, and on the captured Jedi if you wish. Please remember, though, your dexterity will go down to 17, with a +3 mod, if you replace the Geno-Armor with the SF robes, while your Wisdom will be boosted to 20, with a +5 mod. I replayed the last battle with Malak using both versions, and there really was no significant difference. It's up to you and how you want the build to go.

Since this is a build of the Terminator, I role-played it as much as possible as the Terminator. I used the rifles and heavy weapon nearly the entire game. The only time I used a lightsaber was on the second level of the Star Forge, when Jolee and Mission died and left me to fend for myself. I successfully killed Malak using both the JH Carbine and lightsaber, and both fights lasted generally the same length of time. Be sure to destroy the captured Jedi using either Destroy Droid or Force Supression so that you won't fight Malak as long, especially if you use JH's Carbine.

Over all, it was a good build. It was my first time using an armored Jedi, and I enjoyed it. The only thing about the build that I will comment on is that many of the Force Powers (especially the LS ones) are restricted by armor, so please, choose wisely. I hope this inspires you to try your own build, and if you want, please feel free to try this one.

Comments on this build are always welcome. Until next time, may the Force be with you.

Important Things To Know

Just some things to know as you read through this blog:

I assume that you've played each game I've made a post about at least once. This way, I can't spoil anything for you by accident, and I also don't have to explain out every little detail. It's makes for easier reading, and it makes my job easier overall. If you have any questions about a post, use the comments form to post them. I'll get to them as soon as I can. I'll do my best to avoid spoilers, but I'm not going to worry about never mentioning them at all.

Note: Unless otherwise stated, all game information is for the Xbox. Computer, PS2, and other versions may differ slightly. I prefer the Xbox though.

There are no guarantees that any information I post here will work for you. All I know is that it works for me. If it didn't, I wouldn't post it. A lot of what I post is based on my own play style, my own personal experiences, and that sort of thing. How you play the game may be similar, or it may be totally different. That's fine with me. Use what I give you as you wish. Also, I'll give appropriate disclaimers when necessary when a trick may cause technical problems for you, but I am not liable for any damage that may be caused to your game. I am not forcing you to use anything you read here.

And last but not least, I tend to use a lot of short-hand. Most of it is fairly obvious, but here are just some abbreviations and such that I use. Again, if you have questions, post a comment.

SW KoTOR - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
PC - Player Character
NPC - Non-Player Character
LS - Light-side
DS - Dark-side
Mod - Modifier

Post Category Overview

Hi there. This is just a quick overview of my various post categories.

Game Names:

These are just handy categories to help you find each post I've made for one certain game or another. Unlike the other categories that encompass every game, this breaks down all the posts by each specific game.

Game Reviews:

I'll tell you about my experiences with each game, and try to give you a general idea of how good it is, on a scale of one to five. One would be awful, and five would be awesome. These reviews are based on my personal opinions on the game, which you may or may not agree with. I'll give brief descriptions, but I will try to avoid spoilers as much as possible. Unlike other online reviews however, I won't give simple walkthroughs of how the whole game goes. Just overviews.

Game Tips:

If I have some general guidelines on how to play a game, or some nifty tid-bits on how to make a game go easier for you, I'll post it here. Often these will be little things that are easy to miss if you haven't played the game much. Unlike the tricks, game tips won't cause and technical problems for you. Just think of them as excerpts from walkthroughs, if you will. Signs to help lead the way.

Game Tricks:

Sometimes I come across fun tricks, glitches, cheats and other miscellaneous bits to enhance playing a game. I'll post them here for you to enjoy. If it happens to be a glitch exploit, I'll post an appropriate disclaimer along with the trick. Glitches are notorious for causing errors in the game.

PC Profiles:

PCs, or in this case, 'Player Characters', are characters that YOU, the player, create and control within a game. Every Role-Playing Game (RPG) has them. Other types of games may have them as well. And while in many games you get more than one character to control, you usually only can create just one. All the others are NPCs (Non-Player Characters).

Each PC Profile I make is basically a run-down of how to create a player character (or main character) for a specific game. It may be as simple as a few key choices of abilities, to as complex as a fully fleshed out character build. Often, I'll give reasons why I pick one ability over another or raise one attribute over another. It all depends on how complex the game is.

Note: For RPGs, I don't go into great detail about the game mechanics involved with the builds. I assume that you've played the game at least once, and have a general idea about how those things go. It saves me on typing, and it saves the more experienced gamers from skimming through the trough to get to the good stuff.

These profiles can range from practical and theme builds, to my own personal preferences based on how I play the games. You don't have to follow these profiles exactly as I list them if you don't want to. They are posted for inspiration and guidance. Use them as you wish.

General Info:

This post you're reading now, and others that deal with this blog, but not on the various games, get their own unique, and obvious category. It's just an easy way for you and I to find these messages after they've been up on the blog for awhile and lost in the muck. And really, you should always read these first if you're new to this blog.


This is just an easy way for you to read the welcome message to this blog.

Game Trick - SW KoTOR - Manaan Xerox Glitch

Here is an interesting, and fun trick that I use on occassion to get copies of rare, unique, or expensive items. Some may call it cheating, but really, if you've played KoTOR a couple times, there's nothing wrong with it in that respect. That being said, I do have to give this disclaimer, because this is a glitch that I'm about to tell you how to exploit.

Exploiting any glitch in KoTOR, or any other game for that matter, may cause problems with the gameplay later on. Most glitches that you can exploit for benefit in KoTOR are relatively harmless, and this one is no exception. However, there have been reports of items that were supposed to be duplicated being switched with other items instead, so problems can occur.

Save before you attempt this glitch (since you have to save it anyway), and reload the save file if anything should go wrong. Exploit this glitch at your own risk. I am not responsible for anything that may happen. I bring this information to you freely, without any pressure to use or not use what you read here. Take it as you will.

And now...


The Manaan Xerox Glitch for SW KoTOR

Remember those nifty little airlocks in the underwater Republic base on Manaan, and how you had to explore out in the water alone while the other two in your group stayed behind in the base? Remember how they met you at the airlock when you finished with your work in the water? Well, guess what? They were spawned there. And this, my friend, is your invisible Xerox machine.

Go to the first airlock you come to when you enter the underwater base. It doesn't matter which one of the three you go to. Make sure you have the underwater enviromental suit, so you can go out the airlock into the water. Equip the items you want to duplicate onto your teammates that you will leave in the base. If the equipment that you're wearing is what you want duplicated, then give it to your teammates for the time-being. Be sure you bring teammates that can wear the equipment you want to duplicate. If they can't wear it, it can't be duplicated.

Now, save the game before you exit the airlock. Then, unequip everything from your teammates, leaving them in nothing but their underwear, and go out the airlock into the water. You can either complete your work under the water and exit out of the final airlock (but if you do, be sure you do NOT save the game in-between), or you can turn around and go back in the same airlock. Either way, your team will be respawned, with all the equipment they had on from your last save. That means that everything you unequipped from them is back on, and the unequipped items are still in your inventory, waiting to be used or sold. Ta da! Duplicates of up to 18 items, 9 from each of the two teammates!

You can repeat this process as many times as you want. Just remember, problems may occur when exploiting this glitch. Use it at your own risk and discretion.

Until next time, may the Force be with you.

PC Profile - SW KoTOR - Lara Croft

A while back, I was trying to think up a new, different character that I could play in SW KoTOR. I realized that I had never once used a ranged weapon (i.e. the guns), and after reading about others who have tried it on the KoTOR forums, I thought that maybe I'd give it a try. And then, inspiration struck when a commercial came on TV the following day.

The original Lara Croft movie, starring Angelina Jolie, was going to be on TV over the weekend. And we all know that Lara Croft likes to use two pistols as she raids the tombs. Since I've never used pistols in KoTOR with the main character, I decided to try and make the main character as close to Lara Croft as possible, within the confines of KoTOR. I've since played through the game with her, and it worked perfectly, even better than I thought it would!

So, here is the Lara Croft Player Character Profile for SW KoTOR.


I try to make sure that all of my character profiles are non-gender specific. However, for this build, the character must be a female, because Lara Croft is. A male could be played out just as easily of course, but to stay in the heart of the build, it should stay female. Oh, and I found that the portrait (face) with the ponytail braid and the few bangs in front resembled Lara Croft the most, so that's the one I used.

I decided that she would start as a Scout, and then become a Jedi Guardian. I would have preferred that she started as a Scoundrel, but due to the free feats given via the Scout versus the feats with the Scoundrel, the Scout won. You'll see why when you read the details below. And besides, the Scout clothing looks closer to what Lara Croft would wear, doesn't it?

And now, here's what you've all been waiting for... the details.

Name: Lara Croft (Obviously)
Beginning Class: Scout Level 7
Jedi Class: Jedi Guardian Level 13
Force Alignment: Light-side

AttributeStartModEndModBonus Description
Strength10+010+0not raised
Dexterity16+330+10raised via 5 lvl-up points & equipment bonuses
Constitution12+112+1not raised
Intelligence14+214+2not raised
Wisdom12+117+3raised via SF robes
Charisma12+112+1not raised

Final SavesFinal Stats
Fortitude: 24Vitality: 226
Reflex: 33Force: 144
Will: 24Defense: 31

(The saves are greatly increased due to equipment boosts.)

As usual, you will get 5 attribute points through level ups during the game. I put all of them into Dex, to raise it from 16 to 21. Since Lara is going to use her pistols for nearly all of the game, Strength is unnecessary. You could refuse to put any attribute points into Strength and leave it at 8 with a -1 modifier, freeing up two more attribute points to use elsewhere, but I simply prefer to avoid negative modifiers altogether for all my characters.

A high Dexterity is a must, because it will boost the to-hit factor for the pistols, making them better to use, and at the same time the modifier (of eventually 10) will boost the defense as well. Defense is a must when wielding pistols, as it's nearly impossible to defend against melee attacks otherwise. I raised Constitution to 12 for the same reason. It'll give added vitality for every level. Dexterity will also boost the lightsaber attack rating, should you decided that during a particularly tough fight Lara needs to fight melee.

I raised Intelligence to 14, in order to have 24 skill points to distribute at character creation, and then 4 skill points to distribute at every level-up. Why so many skills, you ask? Primarily, so I could fully repair HK-47 and still have enough points in the other skills to be worthwhile. In case you didn't know, HK-47 requires a 17 repair skill to fully repair. Fortunately, you can use the Valor force power tree to raise it a couple points. I like to make balanced characters as much as possible, both combat and skill, so don't be surprised to read future builds that have quite a few skills.

Jedi Guardians receive the least amount of Force points, and the least amount of Force Powers. And, with that in mind, Lara Croft isn't really the type of person to use offensive powers. She has spent her life training, in self defense combat. Therefore, in this build, she only has self-affecting Force Powers (most of which are light-sided). With the exception of Force Supression/Breach, no one will be resisting or saving against her powers, because they will all be affecting herself, but more on that later. I only mention it now to explain why her Wisdom and Charisma attributes are relatively low, each at 12 for most of the game. They won't need to be high to affect her.

A Brief Note on Skills:

If you like doing most things yourself in the game, like I do, then build up the skills for Lara. If you don't mind using the other teammates to do certain jobs, then you don't have to bother. I leave it up to you to decide. Each person's play style is different. However, remember, this is supposed to be as close to Lara Croft as you can get, and she is quite smart as we know her. With an Int score of 14, you'll have plenty of skill points to distribute as you please.

Here are Lara's final feats:

17 are automatic, 12 are manually chosen, and 2 are given via equipment bonuses
*feats with this mark are automatic and free

Two Weapon Fighting, Improved, and Master (3 chosen)
Light* and Medium* Armor Proficiency (2 free)
Empathy (1 chosen)
Flurry* and Improved Flurry (1 free, 1 chosen)
Conditioning (1 chosen)
Implant Lvl 1*, Lvl 2*, and Lvl 3 (2 free, 1 chosen)
Rapid Shot*, Improved and Master (1 free, 2 chosen)
Pistol Proficiency* and Focus* (1 auto-free, 1 equipment-free)
Rifle Proficiency* and Focus* (1 auto-free, 1 equipment-free)
Lightsaber Proficiency* and Focus (1 free, 1 chosen)
Melee Proficiency* (1 free)
Uncanny Dodge 1* and 2* (2 free)
Toughness and Improved (2 chosen)
Force Jump*, Improved*, and Master* (3 free)
Jedi Sense*, Improved*, and Master* (3 free)
Force Sensitivity* (1 free)

You really can't go wrong with this feat selection for this specific build. The free non-Jedi feats listed above are exactly why I finally chose the Scout class over the Scoundrel class. Due to my selection of equipment to boost attributes, I required lvl 3 implants, the first two levels of which are free with a lvl 5 Scout.

I went to lvl 7 in order to get Uncanny Dodge 2. You would get the same amount of feats (except Uncanny Dodge 2) with a level 5 Scout, and you would get a few more Force powers since you'd get more Jedi Guardian levels, but with this build, more Force powers are unnecessary, and there's nothing wrong with the bonuses to saves from Uncanny Dodge 2.

Because this was my first time using pistols with the main character, I wasn't quite sure how well it would go during combat, so I planned for Lara to use a lightsaber as a backup to her guns if she needed it for the tougher battles. That's why I chose Improved Flurry and Lightsaber Focus. The Lara Croft we all know and love is adept in using melee weapons (though she doesn't use them nearly as much as her guns), so it's reasonable to assume she would be adept with a lightsaber, especially as a Jedi Guardian. That being said, I had her use pistols for the entire game, and she never had much of a problem. The final battle with Malak was sort of challenging, but I still beat him using the pistols.

Having the lightsaber isn't absolutely necessary with this build, but if you're not that used to KoTOR yet, it's good to have it as a backup. Lara will be more effective and efficient in combat with the lightsaber compared to the pistols as they are inherently more damaging than even the best fully upgraded pistols. Pistols make up for that with differing effects though, like chances to stun, physical damage, or ion damage, depending on which you choose to wield. And in the spirit of the Lara Croft character, pistols should be used whenever possible, because they are her specialization.

Here are Lara's final Force powers (14 total):

Cure/Heal (2)
Burst of/Improved/Master Speed (3)
Force/Knight Valor (2)
Force Resistance/Immunity (2)
Energy Resistance/Improved (2)
Affect Mind(1)
Force Suppression/Breach(2)

Most of these Force Powers are light-side aligned. Some are neutral and none are dark-side aligned. Because of this, and the fact that Lara Croft isn't the type of person to use offensive powers, this build is for a light-side aligned character.

I chose these Force powers to buff/boost Lara's defense and abilities in combat. Again, it's because of her use of pistols instead of melee. The more buff she is, the better. When I played it out, she relied on Master Speed more than the other powers, because it boosts her defense, and gives her extra attacks per round. Coupled with Master Rapid Shot, it let her take down most enemies in a single round.

Note: Force Suppression and Breach were chosen last. They're needed to eliminate Malak's 'Jedi Batteries' in the final fight of the game. Otherwise, with those batteries, you would have to face Malak up to 9 times before finally being able to kill him.

And now, for the equipment. Before I list it, I must say that many of these items are premium & unique and are therefore expensive. Save all the credits you can to buy the belt, head, implant, and hand equipment in the following list. Some of the equipment will not be available until after escaping the Leviathan, when Mika Doran's shop in the Korriban Cantina becomes available, so you'll have to go with different stuff until then.

Here are Lara's final equipment set:

Gordulan Reaction System (+4 Dex) - Implant Lvl 3, bought from Mika Doran in the Korriban Cantina
Combat Sensor (+2 Dex, Pistol Focus & Rifle Focus feats free) - Headgear, bought from Tybark on Manaan
Karakan Gauntlets (+1 Dex, +3 to All Saves) - Hand gear, bought from the hanger bay kiosk on Tatooine.
Star Forge Robes (+5 Defense bonus, +2 All Saves, +5 Wis, Light-side specific) - Found on Star Forge, lvl 2
Qel-Droma's Robes (+3 Defense bonus, +2 Wis) - In the cave on Korriban; wear until you can get the SF robes later
Verpine Prototype Shield (each arm) - One can be found on Saul's corpse, others can be found in the Temple of the Ancients on the Unknown World. Any shield will work.
Adrenaline Stimulator (+2 Dex, +4 to All Saves) - Belt bought from Mika Doran in the Korriban Cantina

I suggest buying the CNS Strength Enhancer (+2 Strength, +2 to All Saves) from the Twi'lek shop on Dantooine as soon as possible to use until you can get the Adrenaline Stimulator. Then, put the CNS Enhancer on one of your teammates so that s/he can make use of it when Lara no longer does. There is a +3 Dex implant that you can buy on Kashyyyk that Lara can use until the Gordulan Reaction System can be purchased.

The rest of the equipment can be bought as soon as you have enough credits. If you're running low on them, don't worry. You should have enough after you loot the Leviathan to get most of them, if you can wait that long. Otherwise, try your hand at Pazaak or try swoop racing to get more credits.

And last, but not least, here are the three final weapons of choice for Lara:


Main Hand: Saul's Sith Assassin Pistol (loot off his corpse)
If you go with the exact build listed here, it will do 7-19 damage per attack, with a +34 attack rating.

For the off hand, if you don't want to 'cheat', purchase Cassus Fett's Heavy Pistol from the first shop in Dreshdae on Korriban and fully upgrade it. It'll do somewhere around 6-18 damage. However, since Lara Croft uses two of the same pistols as we see her, I duplicated Saul's pistol with the Manaan Glitch that I will describe in another post. Saul's pistol is the best in the game, so it seemed fitting that she have two of them to weild. I don't consider it to be cheating, per say, but some of you reading this might, so you do have other options.

Off Hand: Copy of Saul's Sith Assassin Pistol, same damage with a +32 attack rating.

Backup/secondary weapon:

Lightsaber: Double-bladed/Staff
Color: Blue
Crystal Upgrades: Solari & Upari
Damage with this specific build: 6-31 both hands
Main Hand: +35 attack rating
Off Hand: +33 attack rating

The only time I was tempted to use the lightsaber was during the final battle with Malak. As I said already, I accomplished the fight with pistols, but I figured it was prudent to have a backup plan in case. I recommend that you save your game before you begin the final fight with Malak, and then play it out with each weapon set. You'll be surprised at how different the fight will be, both in tactics and in length.

Well, that is the complete Lara Croft PC Profile for SW KoTOR. If you have any comments and/or suggestions, feel free to use the comment option available at the bottom of this post.

I hope you've enjoyed this player character profile. Feel free to try it out yourself, and play as a Star Wars version of Lara Croft! Tweak it, mess with it, and see if you can improve it for YOUR playing style. This build is perfect for my playing style, but if yours differs, and it just might, there's enough leeway to allow changes. At the very least, I hope this information will give you inspiration for your own character profiles.

So, until next time, may the Force be with you.


Greetings gamers, one and all!

Have you ever wanted to get the most out of your games? Have you ever wondered if you're doing something wrong when you play them? Have you ever wondered if there's more for you to do that you're missing? Well, friend, I'm right with you on all counts. So, here's the plan:

I'm an average gamer. I haven't played every game out there, but I've played a few. I like to be able to play a game and enjoy it. When I play a new game for the first time though, there always seems to be something of a learning curve to get past before I can really enjoy it, especially with RPGs (role-playing games). And when I've successfully made it through a game, I always want to know if I've enjoyed as much as I can, or if I've missed something.

Friend, if you're like me, I'm here to help you out. Here in this blog, I'm going to post reviews of the games I've played, along with tips, tricks, and player character profiles for the more RPG-type games. This information is here for you to use at your own discretion. May it inspire you and encourage you when it comes to your gaming time.

Plan ahead. Play for fun.